Working for IST AG

Working for IST AG

We believe that competent and motivated employees are the decisive factor for continued success in the future. That is why we go the extra mile to make life at work as enjoyable and comfortable as possible for our employees. 

Collaboration Principles

IST Collaboration principles - success

As a highly customer-oriented company we strive to be a professional and reliable partner - internally as well as externally

Sustainable customer and market success

IST Collaboration - Shared responsibility

We take initiative and collaborate across the whole company. We live up to our shared responsibility by empowering joint success and self-motivated engagement

Shared responsibility

Collaboration Principles - Respect

We enable a culture of openness by mutual respect. We invite constructive critical contributions and are openminded to learn from eachother. We act in the way we expect it from others

Transparent and respectful communication

IST Collaboration principles - focus

We create accountability  by setting standards, providing comprehensive timely information and clear decisions. We set priorities and focus on what is important.

Focus and accountability

Daily life at IST's headquarters


Our employees enjoy a range of additional benefits and activities both inside and outside working hours.

Trainings and Workshops
Trainings & Workshops

Our employees are our greatest asset. We broaden their horizons by offering trainings and workshops to help them grow. Employees are encouraged to further their knowledge at any time - from courses to full scale studies.

Canteen buffet
Affordable Meals

At our headquarters in Switzerland our in-house canteen offers a selection of reasonably priced menus, always including a vegetarian option. There is also a healthy and vast selection of salads available from the salad buffet. 


Sometimes, we need to take our minds off things and focus on something else. What better than challenging our colleagues to a game of billard or table soccer! 

IST rooftop area
Recreational areas

IST AG's headquarters are located in the Toggenburg valley. Needless to say most windows as well as the rooftop recreational area offer some spectacular views.

Health support

Physical health helps those gray cells work better. We therefore support our employees in staying fit and well.

Inhouse Gym

In-house gym

Fully equipped fitness center

Our in-house gym is accessible to all our employees in Ebnat-Kappel, 24 hours  a day, 7 days a week.

Yoga at IST AG

Yoga @ Work

..for inner balance

Our employees who join the free early-morning yoga class benefit from a sustainable positive body awareness and holistic strength throughout the coming days.

In-house Massage at IST AG

In-house Massage

Partially subsidized

Bad posture, hard physical activity or staying in the same position for too long can cause tension of e.g. back- and shoulder muscles. To help our employees work out those kinks we partially subsidize medical in-house massage treatments

Health support - preventive medicine

Medical support

Staying healthy through the winter

IST AG offers the flu vaccine to those employees who want it. Additionally, or alternatively, there is a herbal remedy available for staff who want to boost their immune system by  preventive measures.

An apple a day

An apple a day...

...keeps the doctor away!

At our headquarters, fresh apples and pears are available to all employees in the kitchens spread throughout the facility. The amenities include coffee machines, micro waves, water boilers and a wide selection of teas. 


Interdepartemental networking is encouraged with regular outings, such as snow shoe hiking, full moon sledging, hiking trips, tennis tournament, bowling and many more.

What our employees say about working for IST AG

Rinchen Yharkhang

I'm constantly getting to know new work and processes and I have a lot of fun doing it. The employees and IST AG are always ready to support me in all areas. I like my work and the IST AG! 

Rinchen Yharkhang
Team Leader Quality Control
@ IST AG since 1997 

Ramo Redzic

I like the close cooperation between people from different areas of work. This ensures a varied and challenging working life

Ramo Redzic
Team Leader Customizing
@ IST AG since 2016 

Management Innovative Sensor Technology

Our Management team

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