New anniversary record
Never before have so many employees been honoured for their commitment to the company.
A fixed date in IST AG's company calendar is the honouring of its loyal employees. Depending on the length of service, the jubilarians are presented with a token of appreciation at a small ceremony as the highlight of the all-hands meeting.
The number of employees at this year's anniversary celebration at IST's headquarters in Ebnat-Kappel, Switzerland, broke all records: almost 50 employees celebrated 5-, 10-, 15-, 20- and even two 25-year anniversaries.
"The foundation of our success is the know-how and dedication of our team," says Peter Anderegg, CFO at IST AG, who also celebrated his 10th anniversary, and adds: "The steadily growing number of anniversaries shows that our workforce feels at home in the IST family and also testifies to great loyalty to the employer. Trust and empowerment are the key to a long-term successful cooperation."