As part of its 70th anniversary, our mother company Endress+Hauser is hosting a global forum on the topic of sustainability. We have been allotted a small number of tickets and would like to offer one to you!

The Endress+Hauser Global Forum 2023 is dedicated to the different aspects of what challenges of sustainability the process industry is facing. Below you will find which attractions you can join at the event:


As we have only a limited number of invitations to hand out, please reserve your attendance until June 9, 2023.

1. Open this link
2. Click "Register now"
3. Enter voucher code Endress+Hauser_ISTCU
4. Fill in the form and select the desires sessions
5. Confirm registration

You will receive the registration confirmation via email.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Lejla Sahman, [email protected], +41 71 992 03 13.

Inspiring sessions

Get inspiration for your business and attend some of the sessions hosted by renowned key note speakers such as Balloon and Solar Impulse pilot Bertrand Piccard or America’s cup winner Dominik Neidhard as well as other pioneers in the field of renewable and sustainable energy listed below.

Breakout sessions

Discuss challenges, learn about trends in additional workshops on subjects such as blockchain technology, obsolescence management, digitalization, Industry 4.0 and IoT, or lab-to process and others will be addressed in workshops and discussions.


Take a look at selected partners at the in-house exhibition. There will be time for networking, meeting with industry peers 
professionals from around the world, meeting with proven experts professionals from the process automation industry.

Inspiring Key Note Speakers

The key to survival of the Earth


Mike Berners-Lee

Researcher, expert on carbon footprints and author of "There is no Planet B"

A change that affects not only the oil & gas suppliers

Energy transition

Gauri Singh

Deputy Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency with long experience in policy, advocacy, and sustainable project implementation

The advantage of collaboration

Strong partnerships

Dominik Neidhart

Winner of the XXXI America's cup and team performance expert

Squaring a circle?

Circular transition

Julia Binder

Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Business Transformation, listed on the 2022 Thinkers50 Radar List

Learn form the pioneers

Resource consumption

Bertrand Piccard

First circumnavigation of the earth in a hot air balloons as well as an airplane solely powered by the sun

Insight sessions

Learn from the fascinating challenges that Endress+Hauser partners have already successfully solved. The following sessions can be booked individually trough the registration process. The number of participants per session is approx. 250 people.

Insight 1

Making the most out of process data with IIoT

Insight 2

Lab & process: What's the right strategy?

Insight 3

Does Corporate Social Responsibility act a differentiator in future?

Insight 4

Achieving supply chain resilience in a volatile world

Insight 5

How decarbonization can be tackled in process industry

Insight 6

Managing global instrumentation projects successfully

Exchange sessions

Exchange ideas in an even more intimate setting: In small groups of only 20 participants, discuss with our customers and Endress+Hauser experts about challenges and solutions that can advance their plants, strategies and processes in daily business. These sessions can be booked individually via the registration process.

Exchange 1

Replacement strategies & obsolescence management

Exchange 2

Utilizing the value of digital twins

Exchange 3

Mastering OEE by effective process measurement management

Exchange 4

Standardization driving value for optimization

Exchange 5

Cybersecurity: change or challenge?

Exchange 6

Blockchain: Ready for process industry?

Exchange 7

Enhanced collaboration of engineering, procurement & operation through MIV

Exchange 8

Unlocking value with eProcurement Solutions

Exchange 9

Reliability: Compromising availability in process measurements?

Exchange 10

Next level process control in biopharmaceutical manufacturing based on analytical data

Exchange 11

Single-use and multi-use high precision flow measurement in all scales of biomanufacturing


Monday, 26.06.2023

10.00 - 10.30     Welcome and introduction (Matthias Altendorf)
10.30 - 11.15     Sustainability (Mike Berners-Lee) 
11.15 - 11.45     Short break (Event hall)
11.45 - 12.30     Energy transition (Gauri Singh)
12.30 - 14.30     Networking lunch
14.30 - 15.15     Circular economy (Julia Binder)
15.30 - 16.00     Networking break
16.00 - 18.00     Exhibitions tours and break-out sessions     
from 18.00         Networking dinner on site

Tuesday, 27.06.2023

09.00 - 09.15     Welcome to 2nd day (Matthias Altendorf)
09.15 - 10.00     Resource consumption (Bertrand Piccard) 
10.00 - 10.30     Networking break
10.30 - 12.30     Exhibitions tours and break-out sessions
12.30 - 14.30     Networking lunch
14.30 - 16.30     Exhibitions tours and break-out sessions
16.30 - 17.00     Networking break
17.00 - 17.45     Strong partnerships (Dominik Neidhart)
17:45 - 18.00     Farewell (Matthias Altendorf)    
from 18.00         Networking close-out with drinks and finger food

Wednesday, 28.06.2023

from 09.00         Exhibition tours and break-out sessions
from 09.00         Factory tours in the nearby Product Centers
12.00                 End of Event onsite


In parallel to the inspiring, insights and exchange sessions there will be an in-house exhibition on-site together with a range of selected partners to show you what solutions are already at hand today to meet your challenges. Join us and other companies.