Answer from Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021Reliable technology, innovative, real experts

The IST AG LV5 sensor is a flow-through biosensor and offers multi-parametric measurements. Up to 4 analytes can be measured simultaneously (glucose, lactate, glutamine, glutamate). The sensor features a very small flow cell (1 µL) and therefore requires minimal sample volumes when used as an analyzer.
Further advantages of the LV5 biosensor include:
- Excellent long-term stability over a month in continuous measurement mode (lifetime varies depending on various factors, including the analyte concentration and buffer system (medium) amongst others)
- Long shelf life (under appropriate environmental conditions)
- Gamma and beta sterilization compatible
- Suitable for continuous and analyzer measurement modes
- Fast response time (depends on the buffer system (medium))
- Reference, counter and blank electrodes on-chip
- Integrated flow cell (various volumes)
The LV5 biosensor is suitable for sampling systems in laboratories or food and pharmaceutical industries.

IV4 - 稳定连续单参数浸入应用的最佳选择
The IST AG IV4 biosensor is a flexible stripe with large form factor ideal for direct dipping in the measurement media. It is designed for the detection of a single analyte, glucose as standard. This sensor is ideal for applications that require in-line continuous measurement with high reliability.
Further advantages of the IV4 biosensor include:
- Excellent long-term stability
- Long shelf life
- Gamma and beta sterilization compatible
- Fast response time and outstanding reliability
- Reference, counter and blank electrodes on-chip
Given its compatibility with gamma radiation, the IV4 sensor can be used for example in bioreactors or aseptic media.

SIX 生物传感器变送器 - 安培生物传感器评估套件
SIX 生物传感器变送器可以直接评估 LV5 和 IV4 生物传感器。 它可以通过 USB 直接连接到计算机或通过标准 TTL 串行接口连接到任何微处理器。 评估软件 bioMON 也可用于实时采集测量数据及其分析。
SIXBiosensor 变送器的其他优点:
- USB 连接,便于评估
- 带有串行接口的 OEM 版本,可轻松集成到定制开发中
- 非常高的电流精度(约 20 pA)
- 6 个电流通道,带有公共参考和计数器端子
- 电流范围可在工厂进行调整以满足特定要求
- 重量很轻
- 提供评估软件 bioMON
我们的子公司 Jobst Technologies 提供一系列微流控配件。 有关蠕动、微流体致动器的更多信息,请直接联系 Jobst Technologies。
我们的子公司 Jobst Technologies 提供一系列微流控配件。 有关蠕动、微流体致动器的更多信息,请直接联系 Jobst Technologies。
专供专业人士使用的评估产品,仅供研发使用! 不适用于医疗和诊断用途。 不可用于人类。 如需更多信息,请联系 IST AG。