Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG humidity sensors are capable of measuring 0 % RH to 100 % RH and operate at temperature ranges between -80 °C and +190 °C. The humidity product line features sensors with excellent linearity, low hysteresis, fast response times, and high chemical resistance.

iST’s humidity modules are assembled with the required sensor element and calibrated to the specified accuracy down to dew point measuring.

Fills a niche in a pinch with high quality products.

Answer from Customer Satisfaction Survey 2021

Humidity Sensors


High chemical resistance, very low drift a wide temperature range and condensation-resistance are just a few of the many characteristics of our humidity sensors. iST humidity sensors feature many different benefits, from a high humidity stability, over suitability for extreme environments and to dew point measurement. 

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Humidity Modules

Humidity Modules

Technically robust and with a chemical and condensed waterproof sensing area, iST's digital  HYT humidity modules offer a wide application window and an optimal price-performance ratio. Precisely calibrated, the HYT modules deliver an outstanding accuracy and excellent long-term stability even at high humidity - ideal for sophisticated mass applications, industrial handheld devices and precise humidity transmitters.

Sensor finder

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Capacitive RH sensors


Capacitive RH sensors consist of a ceramic substrate on which a thin film of polymer is deposited between two conductive electrodes. The sensing surface is coated with a microporous metal electrode, allowing the polymer to absorb moisture while protecting it from contamination and exposure to condensation. As the polymer absorbs water, the dielectric constant changes incrementally and is nearly directly proportional to the relative humidity of the surrounding environment. Thus, by monitoring the change in capacitance, relative humidity can be derived.

Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG humidity sensors are capable of measuring 0 % RH to 100 % RH and operating at temperature ranges of -80 °C to +190 °C. The humidity product line features sensors with excellent linearity, low hysteresis, fast response times, and high chemical resistance.

Humidity Measurement
Webinar: Humidity Measurement Using Thin-film Sensor Technology

Humidity Measurement using Thin-film Technology.

Webinar IST AG's Humidity sensors and modules
Webinar: iST - Humidity Measurement Using Thin-film Sensor Technology

Get an insight into iST's Humidity sensors and modules.

Quality Assurance
Quality assurance

As an ISO 9001:2015 (quality) and ISO 14001:2015 (environment) certified company, our processes are designed around our customer’s needs. Our highly trained and empowered employees as well as our quality management system form the foundation and essential framework for establishing standards, communicating them, and consistently integrating them into daily work.